Poseidón Barcaza, LTD le da la bienvenida a Jerome Lemanowicz como Gerente de Ventas del Territorio de la Costa Este.

Jerome Lemanowicz se unió a Poseidon Barge, LTD a principios 2021 para ocupar el puesto dejado por el traslado de Carl Piedmont del noreste a la costa oeste. Lemanowicz graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science in Construction Management. He brings practical field experience to the position after having spent the last 20 years being a Project Superintendent and Project Manager for various marine jobs. Jerome is located in New Jersey making him very accessible to his customer base. Puede ser contactado en jlemanowicz@poseidonbarge.com or by calling his mobile number 603-833-8762. Territory includes: Pensilvania, Nueva Jersey, Nueva York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, NUEVA HAMPSHIRE, YO, Maryland, DE, corriente continua, Montreal, Quebec, Nuevo Brunswick, nueva Escocia, Terranova