海神駁船, LTD 歡迎 Jerome Lemanowicz 擔任東海岸地區銷售經理.

杰羅姆·萊曼諾維奇加入波塞冬駁船, 早期的有限公司 2021 填補卡爾皮埃蒙特從東北部轉移到西海岸留下的位置. Lemanowicz graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science in Construction Management. He brings practical field experience to the position after having spent the last 20 years being a Project Superintendent and Project Manager for various marine jobs. Jerome is located in New Jersey making him very accessible to his customer base. He can be reached at jlemanowicz@poseidonbarge.com or by calling his mobile number 603-833-8762. Territory includes: PA, NJ, 紐約, CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, 我, MD, 作者:, DC, Montreal, 魁北克, 新不倫瑞克, 新斯科舍省, 紐芬蘭